Release: Sep. '19
Platform: Web (Click to play)
Role/Responsibilities: Lead Designer / Game Design, Creative Direction, Developer Management
Platform: Web (Click to play)
Role/Responsibilities: Lead Designer / Game Design, Creative Direction, Developer Management
Game Description
Use geometric transformations (translation, reflection, and rotation) to guide the purple triangle through each level to reach the exit.
Design & Development
Transformation Trail was developed for the September '19 issue of Math Magazine to offer a fun and challenging way for students to practice geometric transformations in the context of a sequencing puzzle.
The game introduces new skills and classic puzzle mechanics over the course of 36 hand-crafted levels of increasing difficulty. It also includes undo functionality and an optimal move counter to encourage replay and further strengthen player understanding of combining transformations.

Level design & solution mapping

Level design & solution mapping

Level design & solution mapping

Level 5

Level 13

Level 28