Release: Nov. '19
Platform: Web (Click to play)

Role/Responsibilities: Lead Designer / Game Design, Creative Direction, Developer Management
Game Description
Players take control of a hungry bird and navigate through the tree-stump maze in search of mathematical inequalities they can solve with their beak. Each properly solved equation advances the power bar, ultimately granting the player a chance to turn the tide against their spiky, chestnut pursuers.
Design & Development
Comparison Maze was developed for Dynamath Magazine to allow students to learn and practice solving inequalities.
We leveraged clever character design and the common visualization of "eating" the larger number to gamify an established teaching method, allowing the player to apply the practice directly through the game's mechanics.
The Bomberman-like level design and a Pac-Man-esque powerup/eating mechanic increase game-feel by leveraging classic, highly recognized patterns for both students and teachers.
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